Kay Yano, Yuki Katoh
Project Problem
It's not feasible for most companies to bear the costs and complexity of issuing and monitoring carbon credits. Generating carbon credits is a complex and expensive process that many companies are unable to afford. Additionally, the cost of regular monitoring required by VERRA and other major standards is high, as most green-blue carbon projects are conducted in remote forests or offshore areas far from urban areas.
Project Solution
Our digital MRV (Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) system allows project owners and consultants to measure CO2 sequestration data using a digital twin, no matter where they are in the world. Our computer vision technology has learned patterns from various forest, soil, and wetland species, enabling accurate measurement of carbon sequestration. Once our model is verified by dMRV, we aim to create a platform that automates the generation of carbon credits and enables corporations and individuals to trade them directly on the blockchain.