Daniel Kelleher
Project Problem
The need for carbon emission reduction is undeniable, and urgent. With emissions and global temperatures hitting record highs, traditional financial and economic structures have fallen short. Current carbon markets are insanely immature. They lack liquidity,consumer trust, and are inaccessible. We need a new approach, and that's where Sunrise Stake and Web3 come in.
Project Solution
Sunrise Stake empowers you to offset your carbon footprint effortlessly, while strengthening the Solana blockchain. Our secure, user-friendly platform directs stake pool yield towards buying and burning carbon tokens. Sunrise also enables users to send donations to climate action projects. When users stake, they receive gSOL in return. gSOL stands for green SOL; it's a climate-friendly derivative of SOL that tracks the SOL token 1:1. We issue gSOL to provide users with the freedom to keep transacting in the Solana ecosystem, even though their SOL is staked. Users can spend gSOL on any platform that accepts it, and/or donate gSOL.